Acupuncture is a safe, effective and non-drug health intervention for pain management, anxiety and/or depression, stress reduction, chronic illness management, painful periods, support during pregnancy and more. Limited in-person services are available. Telehealth consultations remain available for intakes, on-going care, nutrition, stress management and movement therapies.
Herbs are most often consumed as a tea or a pill made from fresh or dried plant matter. Herbs can be used alone or in conjunction with acupuncture and/or Reiki for addressing a myriad of health needs. Chinese and Western herbal consultations are available both in-person and via telemedicine.
Reiki is an energetic healing system that is not massage which uses healing touch on certain powerful energy centers of the body to restore balance to the body, mind and spirit. In-person and distance sessions are available.
Seasonal educational offerings inspired by the movements of the seasons, the stars, and the planets. Check out our calendar page for our latest classes offered via WebEx.
Learn traditional healing symbols, crystal grid construction, attunement methods and energy healing techniques to share this healing modality.
Book me as an educator for yourself, your group or event! Topics that I've taught in the past include energy work, ceremony and ritual building, ancestor veneration, general health topics, and more.
Card readings as well as other intuitive readings.
Are you about to do a ritual, feel comfortable doing this yourself, but need to check some details? Need to raise your vibe or let go of what no longer serves? Something else? I got you. Book your personal ritual consultation.
Are you in a situation where you feel like you would like someone to lead a ritual or ceremony? Whether its clearing your space, making the way for something new, or a rite of passage, let's talk about what ceremony fits your current situation.
Give the gift of care for this and every season! Take advantage of eGift cards provided by Square
Would you like to donate the cost of a class ticket or a holistic wellness treatment to someone who needs it? Here's our PayPal!