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Booking In-person Services

Various herbs, essential oils and supplements with wooden spoons and discs

2 hour in-person intake | $180

1 hour in-person follow-up | $125

30 min herb consult current patients | $65

Containers and mortar and pestle with various chinese herbs on top of a parchment with Chinese characters
Herbal Consultation

Chinese or Western Herbs 

2 hour intake | $180

30 minute follow-ups | $65

BIPOC person receiving a reiki treatment with candles in the background
Reiki Treatment

2 hour intake (or extended session) | $180

1 hour follow up | $125

30 minute follow up | $65

Booking Distance Services

Various herbs, essential oils and supplements with wooden spoons and discs
Chinese Medicine

2 hour telehealth intake | $160

1 hour telehealth follow-up | $120

30 minute telehealth follow-up | $65

30 min herb consult current patients | $50

Containers and mortar and pestle with various chinese herbs on top of a parchment with Chinese characters
Herbal Consultation

Western Herbs only

2 hour telehealth intake | $160

1 hour telehealth follow ups | $90

30 minute Telehealth follow-ups | $65

BIPOC person receiving a reiki treatment with candles in the background
Reiki Treatment

2 hour (intake or extended session) | $160

1.5 hour telehealth follow-up | $135

1 hour telehealth follow-up | $120

30 mins telehealth follow-up | $65 

Fortune Telling Cards
Intuitive Readings

Oracle card and other Readings

$65, $100, $130

Kitchen witch wooden spoon next to a basket and mortar and pestle with fresh rosemary, type and lavender
Personal Ritual 

30, 60, 90  minute consultation

$65, $125, $180

Yert with a mountain and the moon in the background

 1-hr ceremony facilitation | $300

Longer facilitation | contact for quote

Laptop & Coffee
Free 15-minute

Free 15-minute consultation where we can discuss your health goals and have any questions answered.

Reiki Prayer on top of a brown textured background
RMT Training
(Reiki Master Teacher Training)

Become a certified Reiki Master

Reiki I-III | $350 each level

Reiki Training Bundle | $900 for all three

Woman dressed in white with Staff
Seasonal Classes
& Workshops

Looking for our seasonal offerings? Please find them on our calendar page! 

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